槟城牛干冬街 Chulia Street, Penang
Yeng Keng Hotel
19世纪下旬 建立
2004年 修复
燕京旅社的门楼为单开间砖砌建筑,入口为一大拱门,墙体支撑着一座歇山屋顶。门楼的屋面铺筒瓦和板瓦,檐口收绿釉瓦当和滴水,四面屋檐下皆可见饰于按金浮雕的封檐板。 2004年文思古建公司受委托重修整座门楼,工程包括屋顶、屋瓦屋脊和墙壁的彩绘。
Yeng Keng Hotel is an Anglo-Indian bungalow constructed in the mid-nineteenth century in Chulia Street, Penang. Later in the early 1900’s a new Cantonese-style entrance gate was built between the front yard and the main street, which created a scenic collision of styles between the new structure and the original house. In 1939. The building was leased to Yeng Keng Hotel.
In 2004, the whole entrance gate was restored by Wensi Heritage, mainly on the roof and decorative paintings on the structure and wall panels. The entrance gate is a single-bay masonry structure with an archway. It is covered by a hip roof which is laid with traditional curved and semi cylindrical terra-cotta tiles. At all four sides of the roof, fascia boards with gilded engravings are installed under the eaves.